Classes | Namespaces | Functions
tracktion_WaveDeviceDescription.h File Reference


struct  tracktion::engine::ChannelIndex
 Describes a channel of a WaveInputDevice or WaveOutputDevice by specifying the channel index in the global device's audio buffer and the purpose as an AudioChannelSet::ChannelType e.g. More...
struct  tracktion::engine::WaveDeviceDescription
 Describes a WaveDevice from which the WaveOutputDevice and WaveInputDevice lists will be built. More...




juce::String tracktion::engine::createDescriptionOfChannels (const std::vector< ChannelIndex > &)
 Creates a String description of the channels. More...
juce::AudioChannelSet tracktion::engine::createChannelSet (const std::vector< ChannelIndex > &)
 Creates an AudioChannelSet for a list of ChannelIndexes. More...
juce::AudioChannelSet::ChannelType tracktion::engine::channelTypeFromAbbreviatedName (const juce::String &)
 Returns the ChannelType for an abbreviated name. More...
juce::AudioChannelSet tracktion::engine::channelSetFromSpeakerArrangmentString (const juce::String &)
 Creates an AudioChannelSet from a list of abbreviated channel names. More...