Classes | Namespaces | Functions
tracktion_ValueTreeUtilities.h File Reference


struct  juce::VariantConverter< Colour >
class  tracktion::engine::ValueTreeObjectList< ObjectType, CriticalSectionType >
struct  tracktion::engine::SortedValueTreeObjectList< ObjectType >
struct  tracktion::engine::ValueTreeAllEventListener
struct  tracktion::engine::ValueTreeComparator< Type >
class  tracktion::engine::ReferenceCountedValueTree
 Holds a ValueTree as a ReferenceCountedObject. More...




template<typename Type >
bool tracktion::engine::matchesAnyOf (const Type &needle, const std::initializer_list< Type > &haystack)
 Returns true if the needle is found in the haystack. More...
template<typename Type , typename UnaryFunction >
void tracktion::engine::forEachItem (const juce::Array< Type * > &items, const UnaryFunction &fn)
 Calls a function object on each item in an array. More...
template<typename... Others>
void tracktion::engine::addValueTreeProperties (juce::ValueTree &v, const juce::Identifier &name, const juce::var &value, Others &&... others)
template<typename... Properties>
juce::ValueTree tracktion::engine::createValueTree (const juce::Identifier &name, Properties &&... properties)
juce::Array< juce::ValueTree > & tracktion::engine::removeInvalidValueTrees (juce::Array< juce::ValueTree > &trees)
 Strips out any invalid trees from the array. More...
juce::Array< juce::ValueTree > tracktion::engine::getTreesOfType (const juce::Array< juce::ValueTree > &trees, const juce::Identifier &type)
 Returns a new array with any trees without the given type removed. More...
void tracktion::engine::getChildTreesRecursive (juce::Array< juce::ValueTree > &result, const juce::ValueTree &tree)
void tracktion::engine::renamePropertyRecursive (juce::ValueTree &tree, const juce::Identifier &oldName, const juce::Identifier &newName, juce::UndoManager *um)