Namespaces | Enumerations | Functions
tracktion_EditUtilities.h File Reference




enum class  tracktion::engine::CloseGap { tracktion::engine::no , tracktion::engine::yes }
 An enum to specify if gaps deleted should be closed or not. More...
enum class  tracktion::engine::MoveClipAction { tracktion::engine::moveToEndOfLast , tracktion::engine::moveToStartOfNext , tracktion::engine::moveStartToCursor , tracktion::engine::moveEndToCursor }
 Enum to dictate move clip behaviour. More...


juce::File tracktion::engine::getEditFileFromProjectManager (Edit &)
 Uses the ProjectManager to look up the file for an Edit. More...
bool tracktion::engine::referencesProjectItem (Edit &, ProjectItemID)
 Returns true if the ProjectItemID is being used for any of the Edit's elements. More...
void tracktion::engine::insertSpaceIntoEdit (Edit &, TimeRange timeRangeToInsert)
 Inserts blank space in to an Edit, splitting clips if necessary. More...
void tracktion::engine::insertSpaceIntoEditFromBeatRange (Edit &, BeatRange)
 Inserts a number of blank beats in to the Edit. More...
juce::Array< Track * > tracktion::engine::getAllTracks (const Edit &)
 Returns all the tracks in an Edit. More...
juce::Array< Track * > tracktion::engine::getTopLevelTracks (const Edit &)
 Returns all of the non-foldered tracks in an Edit. More...
template<typename TrackType >
juce::Array< TrackType * > tracktion::engine::getTracksOfType (const Edit &, bool recursive)
 Returns the tracks of a given type in an Edit. More...
juce::Array< AudioTrack * > tracktion::engine::getAudioTracks (const Edit &)
 Returns all the AudioTracks in an Edit. More...
juce::Array< ClipTrack * > tracktion::engine::getClipTracks (const Edit &)
 Returns all the ClipTracks in an Edit. More...
int tracktion::engine::getTotalNumTracks (const Edit &)
 Returns the total number of Tracks in an Edit. More...
Track * tracktion::engine::findTrackForID (const Edit &, EditItemID)
 Returns the Track with a given ID if contained in the Edit. More...
juce::Array< Track * > tracktion::engine::findTracksForIDs (const Edit &, const juce::Array< EditItemID > &)
 Returns the Tracks for the given IDs in the Edit. More...
Track * tracktion::engine::findTrackForState (const Edit &, const juce::ValueTree &)
 Returns the Track with a given state if contained in the Edit. More...
AudioTrack * tracktion::engine::getFirstAudioTrack (const Edit &)
 Returns the first audio track in an Edit. More...
juce::Array< Track * > tracktion::engine::findAllTracksContainingSelectedItems (const SelectableList &)
 Returns all the tracks containing the selected tracks or TrackItems. More...
ClipTrack * tracktion::engine::findFirstClipTrackFromSelection (const SelectableList &)
 Returns the first ClipTrack from the selected tracks or clips. More...
bool tracktion::engine::containsTrack (const Edit &, const Track &)
 Returns true if the Edit contains this Track. More...
TrackOutput * tracktion::engine::getTrackOutput (Track &)
 Returns the TrackOutput if the given track has one. More...
juce::BigInteger tracktion::engine::toBitSet (const juce::Array< Track * > &)
 Returns the set of tracks as a BigInteger with each bit corresponding to the array of all tracks in an Edit. More...
juce::Array< Track * > tracktion::engine::toTrackArray (Edit &, const juce::BigInteger &)
 Returns an Array of Track[s] corresponding to the set bits of all tracks in an Edit. More...
template<typename TrackItemType >
juce::Array< TrackItemType * > tracktion::engine::getTrackItemsOfType (const Track &)
Clip * tracktion::engine::findClipForID (const Edit &, EditItemID)
 Returns the Clip with a given ID if contained in the Edit. More...
Clip * tracktion::engine::findClipForState (const Edit &, const juce::ValueTree &)
 Returns the Clip for a given state if contained in the Edit. More...
bool tracktion::engine::containsClip (const Edit &, Clip *)
 Returns true if an Edit contains a given clip. More...
Clip::Ptr tracktion::engine::duplicateClip (const Clip &)
 Creates a unique copy of this clip with a new EditItemID. More...
void tracktion::engine::visitAllTrackItems (const Edit &, std::function< bool(TrackItem &)>)
 Calls a function for all TrackItems in an Edit. More...
TimeRange tracktion::engine::getTimeRangeForSelectedItems (const SelectableList &)
 Returns the time range covered by the given items. More...
void tracktion::engine::deleteRegionOfTracks (Edit &, TimeRange rangeToDelete, bool onlySelectedTracks, CloseGap, SelectionManager *)
 Deletes a time range of an Edit, optionally closing the gap. More...
void tracktion::engine::deleteRegionOfClip (Clip &, TimeRange rangeToDelete)
 Deletes a time range of a Clip. More...
void tracktion::engine::deleteRegionOfSelectedClips (SelectionManager &, TimeRange rangeToDelete, CloseGap, bool moveAllSubsequentClipsOnTrack)
 Deletes a time range of a Clip selection, optionally closing the gap. More...
SelectableList tracktion::engine::splitClips (const SelectableList &clips, TimePosition time)
 Splits the clips at a given time. More...
void tracktion::engine::moveSelectedClips (const SelectableList &, Edit &, MoveClipAction mode, bool alsoMoveAutomation)
 Moves the selected clips within their track. More...
SelectableList tracktion::engine::getClipSelectionWithCollectionClipContents (const SelectableList &)
 Returns a list of clips. More...
juce::Array< ClipEffect * > tracktion::engine::getAllClipEffects (Edit &edit)
 Returns all clip effects. More...
MidiNote * tracktion::engine::findNoteForState (const Edit &, const juce::ValueTree &)
 Returns the MidiNote with a given state. More...
juce::Result tracktion::engine::mergeMidiClips (juce::Array< MidiClip * >)
 Merges a set of MIDI clips in to one new one. More...
Plugin::Array tracktion::engine::getAllPlugins (const Edit &, bool includeMasterVolume)
 Returns all the plugins in a given Edit. More...
Plugin::Ptr tracktion::engine::findPluginForState (const Edit &, const juce::ValueTree &)
 Returns the plugin with given state. More...
Plugin::Ptr tracktion::engine::findPluginForID (const Edit &, EditItemID)
 Returns the plugin with given EditItemID. More...
Track * tracktion::engine::getTrackContainingPlugin (const Edit &, const Plugin *)
 Returns the track for the track which the plugin is located on. More...
bool tracktion::engine::areAnyPluginsMissing (const Edit &)
 Returns true if any plugins couldn't be loaded beacuse their files are missing. More...
juce::Array< RackInstance * > tracktion::engine::getRackInstancesInEditForType (const RackType &)
 Returns all of the instances of a specific RackType in an Edit. More...
void tracktion::engine::muteOrUnmuteAllPlugins (Edit &)
 Toggles the enabled state of all plugins in an Edit. More...
juce::Array< AutomatableEditItem * > tracktion::engine::getAllAutomatableEditItems (const Edit &)
 Returns all AutomatableEditItems in an Edit. More...
void tracktion::engine::deleteAutomation (const SelectableList &selectedClips)
 Deletes the automation covered by the selected clips. More...
juce::Array< AutomatableParameter::ModifierSource * > tracktion::engine::getAllModifierSources (const Edit &)
 Returns all the ModifierSources in an Edit. More...
juce::ReferenceCountedArray< Modifier > tracktion::engine::getAllModifiers (const Edit &)
 Returns all the Modifiers in an Edit. More...
template<typename ModifierType >
ModifierType::Ptr tracktion::engine::findModifierTypeForID (const Edit &, EditItemID)
 Returns the Modifier with a given type and ID. More...
Modifier::Ptr tracktion::engine::findModifierForID (const Edit &, EditItemID)
 Returns the Modifier with a given ID. More...
Modifier::Ptr tracktion::engine::findModifierForID (const RackType &, EditItemID)
 Returns the Modifier with a given ID if the RackType contains it. More...
Track * tracktion::engine::getTrackContainingModifier (const Edit &, const Modifier::Ptr &)
 Returns the Track containing a Modifier. More...
juce::Array< MacroParameterList * > tracktion::engine::getAllMacroParameterLists (const Edit &)
 Returns all the MacroParameterLists in an Edit. More...
juce::Array< MacroParameterElement * > tracktion::engine::getAllMacroParameterElements (const Edit &)
 Returns all the MacroParameterElement in an Edit. More...
InputDeviceInstance::RecordingParameters tracktion::engine::getDefaultRecordingParameters (const EditPlaybackContext &, TimePosition playStart, TimePosition punchIn)
 Returns the default set of recording parameters. More...