Classes | Namespaces | Functions
tracktion_AutomatableParameter.h File Reference


class  tracktion::engine::AutomatableParameter
struct  tracktion::engine::AutomatableParameter::ModifierSource
 Base class for things that can be used to modify parameters. More...
struct  tracktion::engine::AutomatableParameter::ModifierAssignment
 Connects a modifier source to an AutomatableParameter. More...
struct  tracktion::engine::AutomatableParameter::Listener
class  tracktion::engine::AutomationDragDropTarget
 Components can implement this to let things know which automatable parameter they control. More...
class  tracktion::engine::ParameterisableDragDropSource
struct  tracktion::engine::AutomationIterator




template<typename AssignmentType >
juce::ReferenceCountedArray< AssignmentType > tracktion::engine::getAssignmentsOfType (const AutomatableParameter &ap)
 Returns all the Assignments of a specific type. More...
template<typename ModifierType >
juce::Array< ModifierType * > tracktion::engine::getModifiersOfType (const AutomatableParameter &ap)
 Returns all the modifers in use of a specific type. More...
juce::Array< AutomatableParameter * > tracktion::engine::getAllAutomatableParameter (Edit &)
 Returns all the automatable parameters in an Edit. More...
template<typename AssignmentType , typename ModifierSourceType >
juce::ReferenceCountedArray< AssignmentType > tracktion::engine::getAssignmentsForSource (Edit &edit, const ModifierSourceType &source)
 Iterates an Edit looking for all parameters that assigned to a given parameter. More...
AutomatableParameter::ModifierSource * tracktion::engine::getSourceForAssignment (const AutomatableParameter::ModifierAssignment &)
 Iterates an Edit looking for the source of this assignment. More...
juce::ReferenceCountedArray< AutomatableParameter > tracktion::engine::getAllParametersBeingModifiedBy (Edit &, AutomatableParameter::ModifierSource &)
 Iterates an Edit looking for all parameters that are being modified by the given ModifierSource. More...
AutomatableParameter * tracktion::engine::getParameter (AutomatableParameter::ModifierAssignment &)
 Iterates an Edit looking for the parameter that this ModifierAssignment has been made from. More...
int tracktion::engine::getIntParamValue (const AutomatableParameter &ap)
 Returns an int version of an AutomatableParameter. More...
bool tracktion::engine::getBoolParamValue (const AutomatableParameter &ap)
 Returns a bool version of an AutomatableParameter. More...
template<typename Type >
Type tracktion::engine::getTypedParamValue (const AutomatableParameter &ap)
 Returns an int version of an AutomatableParameter cast to a enum type. More...